Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love making costumes 👻👻👻 for the kids and walking the neighborhood to see all the decorations. People get so creative this time of year! It’s like a celebration of our creative spirits. Rarely do we take time away from our busy schedules to create mystery and story in our front yards. This year will be different. I’m not making costumes this year. The first time in 15
My career as an educator started many years ago in a toddler classroom. Â I had yet to get my Montessori training, but I was doing my best to understand what I was to do and why the children were doing what they were doing. Â I remember the lead teacher explaining to me that I was to get each child to sit down by themselves and work with one activity at a time. In a class
One way to create the perfect space to inspire concentrated play for your child is to have the right table and chairs.  This is an important feature that can not be overlooked.  It is difficult to purchase and item knowing that your child is just going to outgrow it.  However, it is important to keep in mind that the correct size table and chair will support your child’s natural intellectual and movement development, just like