The prepared environment is the term used in Montessori to describe how each Montessori space is designed to enrich the lives of the people who use the space. SO you may ask, “How do you create a Montessori home?”
In a Montessori school, each classroom is specifically designed to appeal to the age range of children in that class (a three year age span in Montessori). In a Montessori home, the family room and kitchen will offer opportunity for all those who live there, where the bedrooms will be specific to only those who sleep in that space.
A Montessori home responds to the individual as well as the community/family needs. For example, in a prepared kitchen, young children can reach their own dishes in order to help set the table, and use a stool to reach the counter in order to help prepare food for meals.
Here at Family Friendly Home, we want to be your practical guide to Montessori at home. We have put together many free resources to support you and are always publishing new content to inspire you. For more information on how to make your home a prepared environment follow @familyfriendlyhome on Instagram, Pinterest, and Youtube. Also, check out all the other resources on this site from book recommendations to how to choose the right table and chair.